Makeup! Master Class "The Makeup No Makeup Look" - Free Virtual Makeup Classes Now Available!
Free Virtual Makeup Classes Now Available!
Ever wonder how those actresses on tv and the movies always look so flawless and glowing, but look like they have no make up on? Have you ever asked yourself “ I wish, I could cover up these dark circles with out looking like I have make up on” or “ why doesn’t make up look good on me” or “ make up is just to complicating for me to do”
Well rest assured, we are here to help! We can teach you all the tricks of the trade and teach you to do your make up in 10 minutes! You will learn how to achieve a glowing, flawless complexion that will have people saying “ You have the best skin, your complexion is glowing” These classes will be made available for free with a purchase of the “Full Face, 10 minute Flawless Complexion Kit”
Here is what you get in your kit: This kit will be discounted with a GWP (Eyeshadow Palette, Destiny, Synchronicity, Inevitable)
- Liquid Cover-up
- Concealer
- Face Base
- Blush
- Mascara
- Kajal Waterline
- Brow Powder Pencil
- Lipstick
Here is how you can register for the free one-on-one or group class:
We teach all of our Virtual Master Classes through a video conference app called Zoom. Please see below Instructions on how to download it:
How to Download Zoom onto your Smart Phone, Desktop, Ipad, Tablet, Laptop: Please note you have to have a camera connected to your phone or computer to be able to get a virtual lesson:)
Smart Phones: Please download the Zoom app from your Android Google Play Store or Apple Store, here is what the icon looks like:
Zoom Cloud Meeting
How To Download Zoom onto your Desktop, Tablet, Ipad, Laptop: Please click into the link and follow the instructions - You will have to signup for a free account!
How To Be Prepared To Learn the Tricks Of The Trade!
Here is everything you will need for our makeup lesson: Please come to the party with no make up on:)
- All of the products that you received from the Giveaway/Make Up Package
- Mirror
- Your daily moisturizer and eye cream
- Blush Brush
- Concealer/foundation brush or beauty blender- If you do not have these tools, not to worry, we will teach you how to apply these products with your fingers!
Name tag – Do you mind letting us know your name? :) You can write your name on a piece of paper and safety pin it to your shirt!
We can’t wait to meet you via virtual video call! If you have any questions please email:
Look Like You Feel Like You.