4 benefits of Aloe for your skin!
Aloe is a succulent plant of the genus Aloe which originates from Arabian Peninsula. Aloe stems store water which create a gel-like substance which holds amino acids, vitamins(Vitamin C &E) , anti-oxidants and minerals. Aloe has been used in skincare to benefit your skin, in fact we LOVE aloe and use it quite a bit in Vasanti skincare! So what are the benefits?

Helps Moisturize Skin
The sugar component of aloe known as mucopolysaccharides helps retain moisture in skin. Aloe is known to increase water content in the skins dermis- an amazing benefit for dry/dehydrated skin!
Helps Anti-Age Skin
Aloe stimulates the production of hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin fibres(all necessary for youthful skin which declines with age!)
Helps Fade Dark Spots
Aloe contains an ingredient called aloesin which helps fade dark spots! Aloesin helps regulate the excess production of melanin which contributes to the formation of dark spots/hyperpigmentation.
Helps Clear Acne
Aloe has antimicrobial & anti-inflammatory properties which can help clear breakouts, white heads, black heads and prevent break outs.
Who knew aloe could do so much for your skin! We absolutely adore aloe due to it’s natural properties that help anti-age, fade dark spots, clear acne and moisturize. Aloe is a top ingredient in the following of our top sellers: